Test up to 500 Virtual Users
Add unlimited team members
Plans start at 25 hours
Test any number of Virtual Users
Virtual Users (VUs) refers to maximum number of concurrent users you can generate during your load tests. For example, if you want to test how your app can handle 500 users at one time, you would purchase a plan of 500VUs or above.
Load Testing Hours refers to the summation of durations of all the tests executed. For example, if you run 10 tests and each test runs for two hours, you’d need 20 load testing hours to execute those tests.
Each plan comes with 25 hours that expire after use or after 1 year from the date of purchase. We do not offer monthly plans.
Yes! Each plan you purchase adds 25 load testing hours.
For example if you would like 100 hours of testing for 250 VUs, you would simply purchase the 250 VU plan 4 times.
The VU count you select represents the maximum number of virtual users in a given test. To decide on a plan, determine the maximum volume of traffic you plan to test and select the first available plan that goes up to or over that number.
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